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Yes, I am wet for you now...
Romantic Sex Hot sex stories, with explicit erotic art.

Hot romantic erotic sex stories with explicit sex art inside. A mind blowing erotic trip into words and images.
Price: $39.90
Published date: November 2017
Format: Pdf

Excerpt from 'Romantic Sex'
They were just words. Words typewritten instead of spoken aloud. They were just two people. Two people who had never met in person.
He asked her to relax. She obeyed, breathing deeply and evenly. until he asked her if she was wet. A jolt of electricity coursed through her, stealing the breath from her lungs. She could hear his voice whispering and asking if she was needy. And she was. So very needy. Each passing moment made her squirm more frantically. His presence alone had ignited her body....
Inside: Sex Stories eBook with the erotic art of Samarel

About editor-artist Samarel and the writers of erotic eBooks
On this ebook I am combining two worlds that expresses sex, desire and lust in a most creative way- erotic art and sexy writing for adults. My art graces the stories, and I am blessed to have so many talented people write erotica, inspired by their real life and sometimes by my erotic art.
More eBooks in the 'Erotic eBook' Series
Sex stories and Erotic art eBooks, illustrated with erotic sex art by Samarel
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