Home > Erotic Art Gallery > Explicit Sex Art 1 > Explicit Sex Art 2 > Your lips on my tongue

Ride on you sexy lover...
Quickies: Hardcore sex fantasies, explicit dirty erotica

Hot erotic short stories with explicit sex art inside. Dirty erotica. A mind blowing erotic trip into words and images.
Price: $39.90
Published date: November 2017
Format: Pdf

Excerpt from 'Quickies'
Lay me down baby...Take me, glide your body into mine...I beg of you, please darling ... spread me open....With your strong hands caress my body....With your perfect mouth bite me gently....Kiss me passionately...Hold my arms above my head, tie me to the bedpost....Take the red silk scarf from my neck, blindfold me baby...I long for your touch......loosing my breath as your fingers...Glide down the center of my chest, between my aching breasts....I yearn for your touch, our breathing becomes harder, faster...As you take me into your mouth, sucking me, nipples erect....Teasing me with your fingers.... gently in, around and out and in again...My hips move to your touch, scooting down to get more of you inside of me...Your mouth touches mine... finally Such passion in your kiss, as our tongues explore one another....My heart is beating so fast, I want to...
Inside: Sex Stories eBook with the erotic art of Samarel

About editor-artist Samarel and the writers of erotic eBooks
On this ebook I am combining two worlds that expresses sex, desire and lust in a most creative way - erotic art and sexy writing for adults. My art graces the stories, and I am blessed to have so many talented people write erotica, inspired by their real life and sometimes by my erotic art.
More eBooks in the 'Erotic eBook' Series
Sex stories and Erotic art eBooks illustrated with erotic sex art and edited by Samarel
©2017 www.samareleros.com | Contact Samarel