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H. Samarel
Erotic artist painting the act of making love, depicting the sexual energy between couples.
Graphic designer for the print media, as well as the interenet.
Click here for my design portfolio
Email me for special requests
My story, or why i create erotic art
To me, the most fascinating thing about art and life, is the act of making love. I find the human body the most beautiful creation ever. Men, women, and in between...All colors and genders. I praise them all and paint their lovemaking. I'm like a young person discovering sex for the first time, I paint erotic paintings, again and again. I never get fed up with making love, I never get bored with creating erotica. It is the essence of my life and it will always be. All that changes, is my technique over the years.
I learn from my audience, I move them with my art. I create a sexual energy that 'talks' to them. This is the highest compliment I could ever ask for.
My audience actually made me define myself as an erotic artist. I didn't know I was one. Being a graphic designer most of my adult life I thought I was only 'playing' with a new art form. I always thought that artists are those people who make 'ugly' paintings with a strong saying about life, society or else. My process was different. I simply started creating beautiful erotica and my saying emerged out of the feedback I got from my online audience. I can say clearly today that women are more attached and moved by my erotic art, or at least they bother to say they are, unlike men that prefer to watch and keep quiet. I think women are drawn to my style because I give them a sort of legitimacy to enjoy "porn art", which is created in a very artistic way, far away from plain porn.
People helped me say it out loud: I am an erotic artist. Thank you.

About Samarel
H. Samarel is a digital erotic artist known for his distinctive style and erotically charged images of women and human sexuality. Samarel's work draws heavily on the influences of Salvador Dali and H.R. Giger, which have contributed to the formation of his unique and vibrant style.
Through expert photo manipulations, Samarel balances soft erotica and hardcore ethereal images, to create his self-termed "Artcore" dreamscapes. His digital art giclees have been described as a thoughtful combination of artistic talent and technical skill.
A graduate of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, he is an experienced graphic designer of over 25 years with work appearing on many book covers, CDs, theater posters, calendars and brochures. He has also designed many web sites for the international tourist market as well as private clients. His repertoire includes digital portraits, portraits on canvas, and his most personal and unfinished futuristic cyber-erotic comic, Aliena.
In 2001, he created his erotic art website to share his erotic works with the world. It has since grown to include an adult stories webzine, featuring some of the most talented erotic writers today, and is one of the largest erotic art sites on the web.
Samarel's work is currently featured in three consecutive volumes of "The World's Greatest Erotic Art of Today", and has been exhibited at numerous galleries, exhibitions and festivals all over the world.

The Israeli artist Samarel takes the techniques of computer-enhanced art to new heights in the exploration of erotic imagination. See him now at https://honesterotica.com

Showcasing erotica is tricky business
An interview with erotic artist Samarel
Art Exhibitions
12" of Sin
Las Vegas, 2016
12" of Sin
Las Vegas, 2015
12" of Sin
Las Vegas, 2014
Haorgim gallery, 2014 Israel
12" of Sin
Las Vegas, 2013
Icon People
October 2011 Israel
August 2011 Israel
Vanilla Sex
March 2011 Israel
Rochester Erotic Art Festival
March 2010 N.Y
The 'Dirty Show 10.5'
September 2009 Detroit
The 'Dirty Show 10'
February 2009 Detroit
May 2008 Miami
The 'Dirty Show 9'
February 2008 Detroit
October 2007 Atlanta
The 'Dirty Show 8'
February 2007 Detroit
Maverick Erotic Art show
October 2005 Austin, Texas
Seattle Erotic Art Festival
February 2004
Echo Gallery
Chicago August 2002
'Eternal Erotica'
NFT collection
The image above, "Kink Hug" was selected for the high profile book "World's Greatest Erotic Art of Today - Vol 1", endorsed by the top erotic museums in the world! The book is sponsored by the Erotic Signature Competition.
"Within Me"
was selected for "World's Greatest Erotic Art of Today - Vol 2"
"Iris Bound"
was selected for "World's Greatest Erotic Art of Today - Vol 3 "
'A l i e n a '...
My cyber alien...SF graphic novel
Click image to read her story
Candy Girl comix
Hilarious sexy fantasy
Click image to read her story
My sexual positions poetry-art book - the modern Kamasutra.
Click for info