Home > Erotic Art Gallery > Explicit Sex Art 1 > Explicit Sex Art 2 > Your lips on my tongue

Sex Art by Samarel
Crawling for your cock
by Femme de Scorpion
Crawling underneath the table, hands grasping your thighs, kneading the tight muscles before slowly spreading them apart.......mmmmm......wiggling my way in between and kneeling.....rubbing my face over your crotch, around and around until I feel your cock stiffening beneath the fabric of your trousers....unfastening your belt and tugging downnnnnn the zipper.....my body squirming with anticipation....lowering the waistband of your underwear and reaching inside with both of my soft hands.....breathing in deeply and cupping your balls in one palm, my other hand coiling around your growing dick......such a pretty cock......the tip of my tongue easing out to lightly touch your cock head......quietly moaning as I begin to circle the flared head with sweeps of my tongue, wetting it.......fondling your balls, rolling them in the warmth of my hand......they are so heavy with cum......may I take it from you?......will you give me your cream?......enclosing the head inside my heated, wet mouth.......lips tightening around the top of your shaft, my tongue lashing at the satiny smooth crown.....fingers wrapped loosely around your shaft, pumping up and down.....squeezing and relaxing their grip....squeezing and releasing.....a steady rhythm of fistfucking.....my stretched lips venturing farther down your cock.....wickedly tonguing the throbbing meat....my fist beginning to move more quickly, banging into my lips with each upstroke.....lowering my lips further....taking you in deeper....and still deeper......saliva pouring onto your prick and dripping down.....letting go with my hand and moving it to the tight patch of skin just behind your balls, using two fingertips to massage that sweet spot while my other hand continues to roll and cradle your balls......swallowing your dick with urgency, my throat squeeeeeeezing......gagging as your cock stuffs it full.......pulling back, my mouth turning and twisting back up to the head, sucking HARD, lickkkkkkkking, and diving back down until my nose is pressed against your pubic hair.......breathing in your raw musky scent.....head bobbing on your cock......slurping loudly.....humming, sending vibrations through your dick.....up and down that ever thickening and pulsating cock......mmmmmmmmmmfuck.......