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How can I suck his dick deeper without gagging? Blow job tips for women

Writer's picture: samarelsamarel

Personal Sex Advice by Deni | Edited by Samarel

Dear Deni

I have a real problem with gagging while giving blowjobs or deep-throating. Is there a technique to take my man's penis all the way down without gagging? My man is very understanding. He doesn't force it down, lets me go at my own pace. But I still gag. Please help!!



Dear Flirty

I like your nickname! I love to flirt too! I love to use my whole body as a flirting device. Just as men are prone to accept those special signals we women give off when we flirt, our mouth also listens to inherited signals that it must respond to. For instance, when there is too much saliva in our mouth, the instinctive thing for us to do is to swallow.

Sucking dick without gagging - sex tips image
The art of giving head - 'Samarel Eros' sex advice

Your tongue knows when to swallow

Likewise, when we move food to the back of our tongue, our tongue and throat instinctively swallows. The tongue starts the swallowing sequence by moving forward in our mouth, then moves up and back like a wave coming into the beach as it collects whatever is on it and moves it toward the back of our mouth. Then the very back of our tongue relaxes, lowers itself, and the liquid, or food (chewed and properly wetted) moves on down our happy gullet.

When I was first learning to give BJs, I used to try to lick the bottom of my man's penis as I suckled. That kept my tongue forward in my mouth, and stopped my gag reflex.

Swallowing while giving head

If you make swallowing motions with your tongue and throat, and keep your tongue forward, your gag reflex with greatly lesson. This is because it is the back of the tongue that has the gag reflex built into it.

The two most important things to do when you are "giving head" is to make certain that your tongue is forward in your mouth. And that you swallow, swallow, swallow.

If your mouth thinks it is swallowing food or drink, you will not gag. But if your mouth thinks something is trying to invade your throat, it will make you gag. It is an ingrained survival instinct. But you can overcome it. The back of your tongue rises up and blocks the channel to your throat.

Practice sucking penis, with a dildo

I practice with a dildo every couple of days. With a dildo, you have the ability to instantly pull it out if you need to. That is good when you are learning. So, go buy a good dildo that is about the same size as your man's penis, and then practice with it until you have it figured out.

I guess I should add that I LOVE sucking on my man's penis, especially if I can catch him while he is soft and pliable. That way I can swallow him while soft and keep him down my t throat, breathing through my nose until he gets hard!

Woman giving blowjob in the bath tub erotic art pic
Erotic sex art gallery by 'Samarel Eros'

When he spurts semen down your throat

And the first time you feel his hot semen coat your throat, spurting out behind your tongue, as it spurts his precious family jewels, you will feel a thrill of accomplishment like no other!

Watch the look on your man's face as he "conquers your mouth! GOD! I love that look on my man's face. Half victory, half utter insatiable lust, and then there is that look of utter love and reverence as he finishes and shrinks away to the size of a delicious lollypop!

Ummmmm, now I'm salivating! I need a nice cock to suck!


Personal Sex Advice for Better Life

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem, whether it be physical or psychological. Consult your physician or a licensed medical professional for a detailed diagnosis of your particular medical problem. PSA guide assumes no responsibility for how this material is used.



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