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021-A shower like no other

by SweetEuphoria  | Erotic Bdsm Art by Samarel


The renovations are finally complete. One last swipe of the mop over the black marbled floor to remove any grout residue left behind. “Perfect! Absolutely perfect!” Joel smiles in admiration of a job well done. The room, almost as large as his living room, glows with a dark, erotic hue. The black and silver combination is just what Joel wanted to give the room that sexual, seductive feel. The renovations had taken months. Walls had to be removed to expand the area into his little “water dungeon”, as he likes to refer to it. Looking at it with the naked eye, it appears as any other bathroom would, but beneath the surface, Joel has hidden surprises. Two sets of chains coil from the ceiling with a mere press of a button. He can adjust the length of them as well with the flick of a switch.


Recessed lighting emits a stark light or romantic glow depending on the desired effect. Jets, 15 in all, strategically placed for pleasure or torture; also depending on the mood. The granite slabs lining two of the walls create benches. Thin, removable non-slip rubber padding covers the slabs, removable for ease of cleaning as well as an added effect of one not losing control on its slick surface during torture. Eyehooks recessed in specific locations to accommodate extra bondage if desired. The narrow opening, a half wall to be exact, afforded Joel a greater surface for hidden hooks and jets. The door, an opaque gray pane of glass, hinged for opening ease; but if he desires to keep an eye on his pet, the door can be secured in the open position.

Joel is quite excited, knowing the torrid scenes and sultry delights his new shower will bring forth; but first, to find the perfect woman to share it with. Joel has always loved breaking in the newbies and has the perfect woman in mind; a quiet, shy female at his church. The last time he’d spoken with her outside of church, the topic of bondage and submission had surfaced slightly. Unaware of his involvement regarding this particular subject the woman had only admitted her interest through a fantasy or two.

“Hello, could I please speak with Serena? This is Joel, from the church. Yes, I’ll wait.” His voice deep, dark, filled with a desire that raised Goosebumps and drenched pussy’s of any female within range of hearing.

“Hey, girl, you have a phone call; someone by the name of Joel, from church. Is that the same man that always sits in the back and watches you with that look that just makes you want to scream, come take me, fuck me like I need to be fucked right now?”

“God, I’ve been waiting for him to call me. I wonder what he wants.”

“Hello, this is Serena.” Her voice meek, her tone timid whenever she’d speak to this man, “Yes, I’m available tomorrow evening. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I have made some modifications to my home and I would like a female’s perspective on them. Let’s say around 5ish? We’ll do dinner also, so come hungry.”

There wasn’t any doubt that she would be hungry, but it wasn’t necessarily a hunger for food though. Serena arrived right on schedule, she knew Joel never liked waiting and thought it wouldn’t make a very good first impression. Although they knew each other before this date, they had never really been out on a date and she considered this the real thing tonight.

“Please, come in.” Again, his voice deep, dark and made her skin crawl, but in a pleasant, sexy sort of way. “You can put your purse right over there,” pointing to the end table. “Dinner is ready out on the patio, follow me.”

Serena hadn’t expected such a fine elaborate presentation from a single guy. The patio table set in fine china. Tiki torches, two on either corner of the brick lined area lending a romantic ambiance. A single red rose in a crystal vase set beside a deep red taper in a matching candlestick was the centerpiece. Because of the length of the glass top table, Joel has set their place settings one on the end and one on the side so they could be closer for conversation and perhaps a touch or two during the meal.

Joel pulled out her chair and then took his own seat. The food had been placed in silver serving dishes with matching, domed lids. When both were seated, he began to serve the food.

“I’m so excited; please tell me about your renovations. I hadn’t noticed anything different when I walked in.” She swallowed the lump in her throat caused by her nervousness, hoping it wasn’t obvious.

“Please, don’t be nervous tonight, Serena. Enjoy your meal and we will see the modifications afterward.” Caught off guard, Joel hadn’t expected her to recall exactly what the place looked like the last time she’d been there. It had been his parent’s home, but when they passed on he moved back in and rented out his home. The last time Serena had been there was for a dinner party his parent’s hosted and she had come with her mother. God, that had to be at least 5 years ago. Hmmm, she should be a quick learner with a memory like that! Joel’s thought had carried him off to another time, but were suddenly brought back when Serena choked on her wine.

“Oh I’m fine, just not use to drinking the real stuff,” a nervous giggle escaped when she felt her face turn crimson and her body heat rise the longer she stared at Joel.

“Are you finished?” He wiped his mouth and placed his napkin on his plate seeing that she’d set her fork on her plate and pushed it away. “So, are you ready?”

A slight nod and a soft curve of her lips was answer enough for Joel. “Please follow me. Here, take my hand, I would hate for you to get lost in this big old house.”

Warmth rushed through her the moment his skin slid against hers. Get control of yourself, woman; he’s just holding your hand. It’s not like he slapped your behind or anything. She swallowed the lump in her throat at that last thought. God, how often she wondered what it would feel like to have the man beside her, the man now holding her hand, take her. Take her and spank her, seduce her in such a pleasurable torture that she’d come with the mere sound of his voice. Little did she know, that at least her mind, her hidden thoughts are on the right track for what Joel has in store for her this particular evening. He didn’t care what she thought about the remodeling of his bathroom, he just wanted her, desired her and knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him once he got started.

Serena tightens Joel’s grip and slides up closer to his side as they move through the house. “Okay, I think you should cover your eyes now. Don’t want you peeking,” his tone friendly, yet still holds a tinge of darkness, which excites her beyond belief. A chilling emptiness filled her the moment Joel left her side, but the warmth returned seconds later and he places something soft over her eyes. The room darkens even more than it had with just her eyes closed. Now, she feels nervous, unsteady and when Joel beckons her closer, losing her balance she stumbles right into him.

The heat of his chest sears into hers. Her breath deepens, even the dampness between her thighs has turned to a slight trickle and she felt it upon the inside of her thigh now.

“Easy, there. I got you. Let me guide you the rest of the way. Don’t worry; it’s a flat surface from here.” With his arms about her waist he guides her slowly into the shower.

The tension thick; Serena has no idea what’s going to happen or even what room he is leading her into, but she has to admit, it is thrilling. The heat along her nape, over her ear, has her senses reeling, her heart pounding, her juices flowing and she loves this new feeling. She reaches to remove the blindfold, but her hand is restrained. A sudden sensation of unease fills the air at that moment. She wasn’t in fear for her life or even her safety, just a fear of the unknown. Her heart races once again when she feels the return of Joel’s touch. It seemed like minutes had passed since his last contact with her; however, all he’d done was step back and admire the view. He was only inches away and if she had moved her arms out to her side she would have felt him, but all she did was reach out in front of her and place them back at her sides when they only touched air.

“Do you trust me?” The deep voice against her ear, charges her senses, makes her feel alive for the first time in her life.

“Yes,” her whisper filters through his hair as she leans into him.

“Do you understand I will not cause harm to you?” Again, an almost silent whisper escapes her lips. “Don’t move. Don’t speak. Simply obey, is that understood?”

Trembling, his tone had changed, when once he sounded caring, now his tone is filled with desire, domination. “Yes,” her single reply escapes in a ragged exhaled breath.

“I said you may not speak.”

A thudding sound alerts her sense of touch and Serena feels her dress being pulled up over her thighs, over the curve of her ass and then out of nowhere, SMACK! Flat across one cheek and then the other. The sudden sting on her backside is her punishment, a trophy to remind her of his demands. She has been ordered not to speak, not to move and she has disobeyed. Her initial thought is to run, but when the sting turns to pleasure, her thoughts change as well.

Her breasts ache for his touch; her lips ache for his comfort. Her tongue aches for a dancing partner and her thighs ache to be spread. Spread the way she’d seen in the magazine she borrowed from a friend. A magazine she was sure she’d go to hell for, just for setting her hands on; not to mention opening and memorizing each delectable, tantalizing photo from cover to cover. As the rough texture of his palm soothes her, she recalls sections of that magazine. Specific phrases jar in her mind and she would bite back the sting of another spanking just to release those words, if only once.

“Yes, Master. I have been disobedient. I am prepared to accept my punishment as you see fit.”

Her words excite Joel. Although he had hoped this would lead to further explorations he hadn’t expected things to become heated so quickly. “Oh my Pet, I do not wish to punish you, but to please you. To give you pleasures you have only dreamt about. It pleases me to see that you are willing to explore more with me, though.”

Serena feels his hands upon her once again. This time however, instead of a sting, she trembles as he disrobes her. The feel of her dress as it pools at her feet, her stockings unfastened from her garter and her panties ripped from her with a force of desire so great it left her breathless. Her heart races when the straps of her bra fall to her arms. In a feeble attempt to assist him, to present her aching breasts to him, she reaches behind her back. “Patience, my pet.” His words heat against her nape once again as he unfastens the clasp of the garment concealing her sensitive buds.

With her blindfold securely in place she stands before her Master, naked, exposed in more ways than one and she is in her glory. Her head bows in honor as she awaits his next command. Patience, she needs to learn patience. She craves for his attention and the longer he makes her wait the more impatient she becomes. Her stance unsteady now as her sex pleads for gratification. A touch, a lick, anything….just touch me, please. She attempts to seek his warmth on her own and takes a step forward.

“Hmmm. And here I thought that the quiet ones would be the easiest to train. I can see now that I was mistaken. You seem to have a craving for punishment, my pet.” As his words filter through the thick air she’s confident she hears the distinct sounds of chains. Not that she is an expert or anything, but she did suspect that’s what the sounds are, yet confused because the noise hadn’t come from the floor, but above her head. Correct in her thinking, a cuff fastened around one wrist and then the other before they are both secured over her head. Her legs followed, a leather cuff secured each to the sides of the shower walls and then from nowhere a cold spray of water spat at her back. So cold it burned.

A scream choked back and the smile left her lips. She is definitely not fond of this torture, although it has excited specific areas of naked, hot, sensitive flesh. Joel as well, has taken a liking to the results of the water, but recalls his promise of not hurting Serena or scaring her to the point of no return. He wants her to feel free and safe to return any time he beckons her for more explorations with him. As quickly as it started, the cold water turned to its extreme. Steam billowed above their heads and the jets pelted blasts of water at her ass before Joel adjusted its pressure and then the temperature.

He hadn’t expected to show her as many things as he has, but since she’s not complaining Joel feels it’s time for the next step. “Turn around and bend over for me. I want to see every inch of you.” His cock throbbing in his boxers, yes he was still dressed. His clothing had been thoroughly soaked by now, but he had yet to undress. “Aaah, yes, very nice.” His hands caressed her cheeks and slipped in between her thighs as she reached deep within herself for every ounce of willpower she could grasp to hold steady and not sway against his touch. He is killing her and she loves it. Surrendering to him is getting easier and easier.

“Now, on your knees, are you prepared to please your Master?”

“Yes, Master. What is your desire?” Serena played the role of the dutiful submissive quite well, even through the awkwardness of her pitiful attempt to kneel while her ankles were still cuffed to the sides of the shower. “Master, if I may speak.” A knowing nod provided her answer. The look on her face, of regret, when she pointed to the cuffs that bind her ankles and spread her thighs say it all. She’s given everything she has in her attempt, but is physically unable to perform.

“That was very thoughtful, my pet. Master is quite pleased. Be still.” Neither had she diverted her gaze not her stance while Joel uncuffed her. Without hesitation she kneels before Joel, her head bows, her hands open, palm side up as an offer of her services. She quietly awaits her next command.

“You are learning, my pet. It pleases me to see that you have listened and obeyed. Now, please undress me. I want to feel your touch. Those silken fingers caress my flesh as you disrobe me.”

“It is an honor to please you, Master.” Her voice, deep with lust, adoration. Serena begins with his boxers and moves to remove his socks then rights herself to remove his shirt. Joel had worn a dress shirt on purpose, not just because he wanted to look nice for his date, but because he wants to feel the pleasurable bite of electricity each time her fingers brush against his chest. With all the buttons unfastened Serena guides her hands up his abdomen and across his nipples, pausing momentarily to give a bit of a squeeze to each before sliding her palms over his shoulders, forcing the shirt to fall from his back and join her dress.

With her Master standing naked before her, she took it upon herself to service him further. Release from the restraints about her ankles affords her the mobility to kneel at his feet. Gingerly she grasped his shaft between her fingers and stroked gently. She could see the rigid member pulsate in her grasp. Slowly she moves in closer. Her lips taunt him, tease him just a bit. She knows he wants her, but she wants to have him as hot for her as she is for him. Eager to please, her lips accept the swell of the tip and settle just past its rim. Her tongue flicks and swirls at the underside of his cock and she feels it harden in her hands. God, I don’t know how much more of this I can take before I explode! I wish he’d say something, give me some sort of guidance here.

Oh dear God, if she doesn’t stop this I will lose control. What kind of master am I if she controls me? I must regain control. But goddamn, she feels so fucking good right now and she seems to be enjoying herself, finally. These thoughts toyed with his mind while Serena continued to engulf his erection pulsating deep into her mouth. She licked, lapped and sucked eagerly and it wasn’t until she caressed his balls that he had the nerve to pull from her wetness. Breathless he commanded her, “Stand up for me. I want to taste you.”

Even before she rights herself fully his lips begin searching for hers. With her hair in his fist he steadies her and leans down to capture her mouth. Hot, dangerously hot, her lips burned into him. Her tongue darted out against the corners playfully, urging him to deepen the kiss. The fiery passion has erupted and he loses himself, unable to resist the temptation of her seduction. Joel thought this might happen, that he’d lose control and allow his lust to guide him instead of the other way around. He wasn’t going to let that happen tonight though.

Roughly he pulls from her. Her lips grasp tightly around the rim, her hands grab at his ass greedily. She’s not ready, but releases him right after her tongue flicks against his slit. Gasping for breath he silently orders her to turn once again. His palm against her lower back he pushes her to the back wall awaiting his breathing to normalize and his head to clear. Between her feet he fastens the restraints once again, this time without the spreader. Handing her a wash cloth and some soap he whispers, “Clean yourself. Touch yourself, but you mustn’t come yet.” Joel watching the thick lather cascade down her backside and his cock jerks to life once more.

“Can I fuck you, my pet?” Normally he wouldn’t ask this of a pet, but seeing as they’d never officially spoken about this scene he thought it fitting to gain permission from her. “Oh God, I need to feel you gripping my cock, feel your slickness bathing it, your walls stretching to accept all I have to offer.”

No longer the sweet submissive, she lets him know her hunger, her need for release, her need to give pleasure. A moan erupts from within her and she backs her ass into his groin, searching for the cock that once filled her mouth. Slowly he raises her cheeks to steady her, slow her movements so he can take aim. She reached behind her and spread herself for him, stealing his breath.

“Are you sure?” His hesitation is killing her.

“I will pay the consequences later, Master, but right now I need to be fucked. Please, take me. This is killing me. I need you.” Her voice ragged, her limbs weak.

Without removing her ankle restraints he fastens her hands behind her back then lowers her to the bench and then the floor. Joel delved between her parted legs. Perspiration glistened against her heated flesh. Her mind in a fog, her body arched pushing her sex closer to his face, “Oh God, Yes!” Her screams aroused him, her scent enthralled him. She panted and gasped for breath as Joel teased her folds until her juices ran freely, seeping right to the crevice of her ass.

He pulled from her only long enough to insert on finger then a second into her. Damn, she’s tight. I don’t think she’ll be able to take me here tonight, especially if it’s her first time. Joel was very concerned about hurting her, so much so that he hadn’t heard her pleas. Struggling to slip from beneath him, Serena perched on her hands and knees. The rubber grips beneath her palms as she backed over his torso and stopped at his erection. Full of lust, pleading for more, her gaze captivated him. She lowered her hips to his erection and slowly slid herself down. The pain was strong, but tolerable and she needed him, which was her driving force. Slow steady thrusts pushed his thickness inside her; her muscles relaxing to pull him deeper each time.

“Okay, okay! So I was wrong. I ju-- just didn’t want t--to hurt you is all. God you are magnificent, Serena. Mmmm.” His groans revealed his satisfaction, his desire, yet he wanted more. “Wait! Get back on your knees, baby. I can make this incredible for you, if you’ll let me.”

Joel adjusted her legs and gently pushed against the small of her back encouraging her to brace with her elbows instead of her palms. She quickly obeyed. Had he regained control? He didn’t much care about who’s in control any longer. That playtime was fun but this has gone to a whole different level than what he’d originally planned. He hadn’t planned on taking her this way, not that he wasn’t enjoying himself. But his plan had just been to get her aroused enough with the restraints and then bring her to climax with his fingers.

His cock inside her would have been saved for the next date, but she’d gotten so hot, so aroused that he couldn’t turn back. Not one to displease a woman in such dire need he had to continue.


Tonight Serena has shown him her desire and he was sure as hell going to give her the pleasure she so deserved. Without pulling himself from her he reached for the button that controlled the water and pushed it. Then he reached and turned all but two of the jets away from her. The two aimed at her had been adjusted to a mild steady stream and he aimed them directly at her nipples. Her writhing demonstrated her approval. With his cock pressed fully into the cleft between her cheeks his hand searched for her clit. Inserting two fingers then locating her g-spot he had her bucking wildly against him.

Joel didn’t have to move at all, the writhing of her hips and her trembling legs gave enough momentum for his to bring her to climax within moments. Her pussy clenched at his fingers and her pelvis colliding with his brought him to orgasm just as she began a second one. His eyes closed tightly, his blood boiled deep within his soul and his throat let out a moan that would have awakened the neighbors, if he’d had any.

Totally sated, Serena slid to the floor and Joel beside her. “Oh dear God, that was fucking amazing!” Serena’s tone, ragged. She pulled Joel to her breasts for a comforting hug as her breathing normalized. “Tha---thank you for showing me your new shower, Joel. We are definitely going to have to do this again, soon.” A smile curved her lips as her eyes flickered closed and her hand gravitated to his loins.

She has changed. Joel wasn’t sure when that had taken place, but he was correct, Serena had changed. She wasn’t the quiet, bashful little girl she was when she first arrived. She hadn’t turned into the polite little submissive that Joel had hoped for either. Tonight, she’d experienced things she’d only dreamed and read about and it turned her into a wild woman. A woman who wasn’t afraid to ask for what she wanted. Wasn’t afraid of the punishment she’d receive if she’d spoken out of turn either. And to tell the truth, Joel liked her this way even better than the woman he fantasized about joining him in some water dungeon fun. This new woman at his side would give much greater pleasure in the dungeon and out, he was most certain of that. Would he miss not being the dominant partner in this new relationship? Hell no, for he has learned that sharing is definitely fun.

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